
Dispute errors on your reports with Kikoff.

25% of Americans have errors on their credit reports.

On average, Kikoff users have 18 errors on their report.
How many errors are on your report?
Sending a dispute won't hurt your credit score.
users are using Kikoff Disputes
submitted disputed items
total pts*
increase for users who have items removed
It's easy as 1, 2, 3
Go to Disputes
Select up to 5 errors per month
Click “send the letter” and we'll take care of the rest!
Customer Testimonials
The easiest way to clean your credit history
It was incredibly simple and stress-free
I'm learning about my credit and y'all have made the experience simple and effortless
Love how easy it was to file a dispute
It was simple and took less that 5 minutes
I started my credit only a month ago, I started off with no credit score at all and a month later my credit score is at 596!
The easiest way to clean your credit history
It was incredibly simple and stress-free
I'm learning about my credit and y'all have made the experience simple and effortless
Love how easy it was to file a dispute
It was simple and took less that 5 minutes
I started my credit only a month ago, I started off with no credit score at all and a month later my credit score is at 596!

Have questions?

  • Kikoff Disputes helps you identify the incorrect item(s) or problem accounts on your credit report from Equifax and auto-generate a dispute letter to send. Once you go to the landing page, click “start a dispute” to see items eligible for dispute. Select up to 5 items you'd like to dispute and how you'd like to send the letter, and click “submit dispute”. You will receive an email right away to confirm the submission of your dispute letter, and we will notify you when there is an update on your dispute.
  • Once a dispute letter is sent, Equifax will look into the item(s) on the dispute letter to decide whether it's eligible for removal. Regardless of the result, you will receive an update when your dispute is being processed and when the result is ready. We will notify you when there is an update on your dispute. Keep in mind that you may also receive physical mail from Equifax so keep an eye on your mailbox and inbox!
  • Once a dispute letter is sent, it can take up to 45-60 days for the bureau to process the items, and up to 60 days to reflect on your credit report. We will inform you once we have any updated information. You can also check the status of your dispute by logging into your Kikoff account in the “Dispute” section.
  • If Equifax decides to remove or correct a disputed item, your credit report will be updated within 30-60 days afterward.
  • With Kikoff Disputes, we help you identify error items on your credit report like dates, balance, payment history, or personal information, and generate a custom dispute letter for you with the items you select to send to Equifax. However, once the dispute letter is sent, it’s out of Kikoff’s control. Kikoff does not have the power to remove disputed items from your credit reports. Instead, Equifax will investigate and decide whether or not the disputed items should be removed.
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